Friday, November 5, 2010


Don't worry I haven't given up yet LOL

I am working on two interviews with two different restaurants.  Hopefully they will happen sometime next week.  

I'm not going to tell what two restaurants just'll have to wait and see.

In the meantime, I am still looking for more recommendations so please let me know!  The more "unheard of" the better.  I want places that nobody else knows about!


  1. The Spicery in Our 1895 Home

    7141 N. 59th Ave.
    Glendale AZ

    The original owners have repurchased the tea room and lunch spot after selling it eight years ago. Scheduled to open Nov. 1. Open 10:30 to 2 PM Monday thru Saturday.

    Read more:

  2. Prescott ~ Waffle Iron I believe is the name of the restaurant. Kind of dive-y looking both inside and outside but to-die-for food. At least it used to be. Steve and I went there for our 10 year anniversary when we stayed in Prescott and we were leary at first just by the looks of it but we were very satisfied with it!
